A committed Museum
What we have already done
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- A committed museum
The Oceanographic Museum is committed to minimizing its impact and improving its efforts to use resources and reduce the impact of its activities on the environment.
We have created this page with the simple aim of informing you about our approach, which has been constantly evolving and accelerating in recent years.
And why not, to give you ideas on what can be put in place on an individual basis?
We are always ready to listen to your suggestions, tips and daily actions to protect the Ocean!
Reducing water and energy consumption
- Providing clean energy
- Replacement of conventional light bulbs with more energy-efficient LED models
- Installation of motion detectors on hand-washing basins (reserved for professionals)
- Change of cleaning methods (use of microfibres) with eco-labelled and water-soluble products

Reduced exhaust gas emissions
- Progressive replacement of the vehicle fleet to favour hybrid or electric vehicles
- Training drivers in eco-driving rules
- Pressing now in-house (purchase of a washing machine) with the use of ecolabelled detergents.

Reducing and sorting waste
- Training for the staff of the Oceanographic Museum and the management of the restaurant La Terrasse
- Progressive elimination of plastic containers (water fountains, etc.)
- Elimination of plastic cups replaced by recycled and recyclable cardboard cups
- Staff coffee machines equipped with “Mug Detector
- Sorting area in the offices (paper+plastic)
- Waste recycling (offices and public areas of the Museum)
In Store :
- Use of recycled paper bags
- Implementation of the eco-responsible range and membership of the “committed trade” label
Raising awareness for the protection of the marine environment
- Raise awareness among school groups on the issue and encourage the search for alternatives to single-use plastic.
- Mediation and sharing of our values on the environmental theme: helping our young audience of the “snapper club” to create and disseminate their own charter for the protection of the Oceans
- Animation of a group on social networks “La Fête sans Ballons”: to inform about plastic waste and to gather alternative proposals to balloon releases in public.


The Institute is committed to combating deforestation by adhering to the Monegasque charter on wood.
Eco-responsible practices, short economic circuits and circular economy,
act against food waste…
Discover the National Pact for Energy Transition in video

Work in Progress...
The Museum works daily to increase our visitors’ impact on the ocean while minimizing our impact on the environment.
It is a job that requires rigor and consistency. Many actions are being defined or implemented.
When we engage in such a process, we see more of the road ahead than the road we have taken.
This is why, aware both of what remains to be done and of the added value of a benevolent dialogue to maintain a dynamic of progress, we are listening to you for any suggestion for improvement.
Visit our social networks to start the discussion!
This year, the Principality of Monaco is joining, alongside many other States, in the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), which will take place from 16 to 24 November 2019, on the theme of “education and communication for waste reduction” .
Follow the program for the day on Saturday, November 16, 2019, which will be held at the Museum on this occasion.